
Tileset Settings

This Data's Role

Tilesets are data consisting of "Tiles" used to design a single map. They're created by assigning images to be used as tiles and their in-game behaviors, such as whether characters can pass through them or not.

Original images created for the map can be used as well by creating tilesets which use those images, and assigning them to the map data.

Additionally, whether or not vehicles (boats/large ships) can pass through tiles is determined by their position within the tileset. Please see [Asset Standards] for more information.
Planes are able to travel over all tiles. However, they are only able to land on tiles which can be walked on.

*Planes cannot land on the locations subject to the following conditions even if the tiles can be walked on.

Parameter Details

Basic Settings


Settings for the image files used in tiles. Specify the file you want to use for each type (Sets A through E) in the [Select an Image] window that appears when you press the button for each. The image's contents will be displayed in the [Tile List] on the right.

Tile List

The tile images set in [Image] will be displayed here. By clicking tabs [A] through [E] below, you can switch the images displayed. The tiles for the images specified in [A1] through [A5] in the [Image] section on the [A] tab will be displayed in order.

Marks representing the current parameter values in the settings editing mode will be displayed on top of each tile. You can change these parameter values by clicking them.
Additionally, for items with 3 or more types of setting values (passage, terrain tags), pressing the right button will reverse the direction from that of the left button.
By moving your cursor with the button held, you can change the settings for the tiles that your cursor moves through.