
State Settings

This Data's Role

States are abnormal states such as "Poison" and "Confusion" which affect the condition and actions of a character. In this data, you'll configure the actual effects when a state is applied. You can prepare not only states with negative effects, such those where a character is poisoned and their HP is decreased, but also states with positive effects, such as those where the character goes berserk and has their attack power boosted.

Additionally, State #1, named [Knockout], is a special state that is automatically applied to characters and enemies when their HP reaches zero. If all party members are in this state, it will result in a game over.

Parameter Details

Basic Settings

Removal Conditions

The condition for removing a state. Specify the conditions based on the items below. If multiple conditions are set, each condition's criteria will be assessed and the state will be removed.


Message that gets displayed during battle when this state is given or removed. For each of the following 4 states, a message will be displayed following the target's name: "If an actor is inflicted with the state", "If an enemy is inflicted with the state", "If the state persists", and "If the state is removed". "%1" will be replaced by the target's name.


Traits given to the target when given a state. Please see [How to Set Traits] for more information.


Used to make notes while making your game.
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