3D Character Converter Released!
This tool converts 3D VRM models into 2D assets compatible with RPG Maker Unite and other Maker series!
Click here for the detail.
Thank you for your support of Pixel Game Maker MV! We have an important announcement regarding the Nintendo Switch Publishing service that Gotcha Gotcha Games has been offering. Launched on May 15th, 2021, we’ve been able to…
We’re very pleased to announce several big news items for RPG MAKER UNITE! A celebration game jam, a massive sale, and a major update! Please read the provided PDF for more details! https://www.gotchagotcha.jp/assets/pdf/rpg_maker_unite_gamejam_en_20250116.pdf
Like it’s forebear, Pixel Game Maker MV, ACTION GAME MAKER is a game development tool for the creation of 2D action games. As with all all Maker series games, no programming is needed and sample assets are…