Event Commands

Game Progression

Control Switches


Changes the values (ON/OFF) of switches.


Control Variables


Changes the value stored in a variable.



Details regarding the methods of calculation specified under [Operation] are as follows.

Set Sets the value of the operand (no calculation).
Add Sets a value calculated using [variable value before operation + operand].
Sub Sets a value calculated using [variable value before operation - operand].
Mul Sets a value calculated using [variable value before operation x operand].
Divide Sets a value calculated using [variable value before operation ÷ operand].
Mod Sets a value which is the remainder of [variable value before operation ÷ operand].

Details regarding [Operand] are as follows.

Constant Uses a fixed value. Specify the value in the right field.
Variable Uses a variable. Specify the variable to reference.
Random Uses a number value chosen at random. Range of the random value that can be generated: -99999999 to 99999999.
Game Data Uses a value related to the play state of the game. Specify the information to reference in the window that opens when you click [...] (refer to the table on the right).
Script Use the result evaluated from JavaScript for the value.

When selecting [Game Data] as the [Operand], the type of data can be one of the following:

Items Uses the possession count of the specified item.
Weapons Uses the possession count of the specified weapon.
Armor Uses the possession count of the specified armor.
Actors Uses the actor's parameter (HP, MP, etc.) as the value. Specify the target actor and parameter.
Enemies Uses the enemy's parameter (HP, MP, etc.) as the value. Specify the target enemy and parameter. This is only effective during battle.
Character Uses values such as the coordinates or direction of the player or events.
Map X, Map Y : Map coordinates of current location
Direction : Current direction (up = 8 / left = 4 / right = 6 / down = 2)
Screen X, Screen Y : Uses the display position coordinates on the screen (pixels)
Party Uses the ID of the actor in the specified position within the party.
Just Prior Uses data related to the immediately prior action.
  • ID of Skill just used.
  • ID of Item just used.
  • ID of Actor who just acted.
  • Index of Enemy Character who just acted.
  • ID of Actor who was just targeted.
  • Index of Enemy Character who was just targeted.
Other Uses some other type of data.

Control Self Switch


Controls the value of self switches.



Control Timer


Start/stop the timer that calculates the time limit (time remaining). Starting the timer will cause the time remaining to be displayed at the top right of the screen. The timer will temporarily stop (will not be calculated) while the menu is displayed. To branch a process using the time left on the timer, use the [Conditional Branch] event command.
